Epitopes from Single antigens

This page displays the number of epitopes pertaining to a single antigen (Gene ID) with selected filters.

Number of Positive bcell assays for antigen accession number 392414980 from the mycobacterial M_chubuense_NBB4 strain

ID Peptide Position B cell epitope MHC I alleles MHC I alleles (number) HLA I alleles HLA I alleles (number) MHC II all1268212AQVATVSS144151Orientia tsutsugamushiHomo sapiens
1352070GLRNVAAGAN102111Mycobacterium bovisHomo sapiens
1268211IAQVATVS143150Orientia tsutsugamushiHomo sapiens
1352090LAKLAGGVAV367376Mycobacterium bovisHomo sapiens
Assay ID Sequence Epitope Start Epitope End Source Organism Host Organism