Epitopes from Single antigens

This page displays the number of epitopes pertaining to a single antigen (Gene ID) with selected filters.

Number of Positive bcell assays for antigen accession number 378773685 from the mycobacterial M_bovis_BCG_str_Mexico strain

Assay ID Sequence Epitope Start Epitope End Source Organism Host Organism
1601835DFWATWCGPCKMVAPVLEEI3150Mycobacterium tuberculosisHomo sapiens Indian
1601837GAKGKAALLRELSDVVPNLN97116Mycobacterium tuberculosisHomo sapiens Indian
1601836KMVAPVLEEIATERATDLTV4160Mycobacterium tuberculosisHomo sapiens Indian
Assay ID Sequence Epitope Start Epitope End Source Organism Host Organism