BioTherapi: Bioinformatics for Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins

G.P.S. Raghava | Bioinformatics Centre | IMTECH | CRDD | Team Members | Contact | FAQ
 About BioTherapi
 Protein Informatics
 Facility to Community
 Drug Databases


 Peptide drugs

Wet Lab

Important Links
 Wiki Pages
 Slides (PPT/PDF)

Important Drug DataBases

  1. BLOG on database
  2. Newdigs: A database from MIT on New Drugs
  3. Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) maintain list of banned drugs
  4. US Food Drugs and Administration (US-FDA) maintain drugs/food items/medical withdrawan or recalled from market for various levels of safety reasons
  5. Drugs@FDA Data Files
  6. List of withdrawn drugs at Wikipedia
  7. PharmGKB: Pharmacogenomics knowledge base.
  8. MicroSource Discovery Systems, Inc.(MDSI)
  9. The NIH Clinical Collection (NCC) is a plated array of approximately 450 small molecules that have a history of use in human clinical trials.
  10. Life Science Institute