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Major Features

  • Uniqueness and Comprehensiveness
    ASPsiRNA is the first comprehensive resource encompassing therapeutically important ASP-siRNAs and prediction of their inhibitory efficacy. It contains three components ASPsiDb, ASPsiPred and Off-Target analysis.

  • ASPsiDb
    ASPsiDb harbors Allele-specific siRNAs targeting 78 unique genes from 51 different human genetic diseases. It is manually curated, open source database harboring 4543 therapeutically important ASP-siRNAs including 422 chemically modified ASP-siRNAs.

  • ASPsiPred
    ASPsiPred is a two-layered algorithm for prediction of efficacy of ASP-siRNA for mutant and wild-type allele by ASPsiPredSVM and ASPsiPred Matrix respectively.

  • Off-Target Analysis Off-target analysis tool helps user about the specificity of ASP-siRNA.

  • User friendly data retrieval facilities ASPsiRNA web-interface is enhanced with user friendly search/browse options.

  • BLAST, Align, MAP tools integration BLAST allows user to do similarity search against ASPsiRNA; while Align and Map allows finding ASP-siRNA targets on human genome or gene respectively.

  • Multidimensional structured information
    a) General fields: experimental information.

    b) ASP-siRNA related fields: sequence,its efficacy to inhibit mutant and wild allele along with discrimination.

    c) Disease/genetic/clinical information.