| | |
ASPsiRNA information |
siRNA Id: | aspsirna3202
siRNA Name: | siN159D-3
Mismatch information |
Wild siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUGUUGUU
ASP-siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUG---UU
Mismatch position in siRNA: | del_18A,19A,20C, |
Gene Information |
Gene Name | Keratin 75 (KRT75) |
Wild allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAACAACAA
Mutant allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAAC---AA
Position of siRNA on target gene: | NA
Respective Gene/Protein Resources |
GenBank Accession: | NM_004693.2 |
Cytogenic location: | 12q13.13 |
Chromosomal coordinates: | 12:52,424,069-52,434,325 |
UniProt ID: | O95678 |
HUGO ID: | 24431 |
Reference SNp(RefSNP): | NA |
Disease/Mutation information |
Target Mutation: | c.545_547del,p.N159del
Matation type/variant: | Deletion
Mutation at gene level: | NA
Pathogenic status of mutation: | NA
Disease: | Hair shaft blebbing |
Clinical Resources |
ClinVar ID: | NA |
KEGG disease ID: | NA |
GeneTests: | KRT75 |
ASP siRNA details |
Mutant allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAAC---AA
ASP-siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUG---UU
Percentage efficacy of ASP-siRNA for mutant allele: | 70
Wild allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAACAACAA
ASP-siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUG---UU
Percentage efficacy of ASP-siRNA for wild allele: | 52
Relative difference: | 18
Wild siRNA details |
Wild allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAACAACAA
Wild siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUGUUGUU
Percentage efficacy of wild siRNA for wild allele: | 50
Wild allele (5'->3'): | AGAUCAAGACUCUGAACAACAA
ASP-siRNA (As strand 3'->5'): | UCUAGUUCUGAGACUUG---UU
Percentage efficacy of Wild sirna for mutant allele: | 42
Relative difference : | 8
General information |
Mismatch incorporated in siRNA/Target: | siRNA |
Cell-line used: | HEK293T |
Experimental technique used: | qRT-PCR |
Transfection method: | Lipofectamine 2000 |
siRNA expression method: | Thermo Fisher |
Post-transfection duration: | 48 hours |
Concentration used: | 15 nM |
Reference: | 26763422 |
Delivery method: | shRNA-encoding lentiviral vectors |
'Article title: | Correction of Hair Shaft Defects through Allele-Specific Silencing of Mutant Krt75 |
'Authors: | Liu Y, Snedecor ER, Zhang X, Xu Y, Huang L, Jones EC, Zhang L, Clark RA, Roop DR, Qin C, Chen J |
'Journal Reference: | J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Jan;136(1):45-51. doi: 10.1038/JID.2015.375 |