virsi1033 details

siRNA Id:virsi1033
Sense Sequence: ucgcgggacguccuuuguuua
Length: 21
GC Content (%):52
Virus Name:Hepatitis B Virus [HBV]
Family of Virus:Hepadnaviridae
Target Gene:HBeAg
Starting Position 1407
Ending Position: 1429
Cell Line: Huh-7
Transfection Method: siFECTamine
Incubation Time (Hours): 96
siRNA Expression Method: Chemically Synthesized
Target Object (mRNA,Protein,etc): Protein
Silencing Efficacy :70
siRNA sequence matching with Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] reference genome:
mRNA1 % inhibition:70
mRNA1 Detection Method:ECLIA
Protein2 % inhibition :70
Protein2 Detection Method:HBsAg Level



