virsi1486 details

siRNA Id:virsi1486
Sense Sequence: gaacaaacaaacagcgaug
Length: 19
GC Content (%):42
Virus Name:West Nile Virus [WNV]
Family of Virus:Flaviviridae
Virus Strain:NY99
Target Gene:C
Genbank Accession: NC_009942
Starting Position 312
Ending Position: 330
Cell Line: HTB Cells
Transfection Method: Calcium Phosohate
Incubation Time (Hours): 24
siRNA Expression Method: Expressed
siRNA design algorithm used: Ambion
Target Object (mRNA,Protein,etc): Cell Count
Silencing Efficacy :73
siRNA sequence matching with West Nile Virus [WNV] reference genome:
Cell Copies % reduction:73
Cell Copies method:Plaque Assay



