virsi1607 details

siRNA Id:virsi1607
Sense Sequence: ggaaggaauugcaaaggau
Length: 19
GC Content (%):42
Virus Name:Influenza B Virus
Family of Virus:Orthomyxoviridae
Virus Strain:B/Beijing/76/98
Target Gene:M
Genbank Accession: AY687399
Starting Position 667
Ending Position: 685
Cell Line: Embryonated Chicken Egg
Concentration: 500ng /60nM
Transfection Method: Lipofectamine 2000
Incubation Time (Hours): 72
siRNA Expression Method: Expressed
siRNA design algorithm used: Genepharma
Target Object (mRNA,Protein,etc): Protein
Silencing Efficacy :75
siRNA sequence matching with Influenza B Virus reference genome:
Virus Load % inhibition:75
Virus Load Method:HA Assay



