siRNA Id: | virsi2039 |
Sense Sequence: | cgcucaguaaggacaccag |
Length: | 19 |
GC Content (%): | 58 |
Virus Name: | Human Rhinovirus |
Family of Virus: | Picornaviridae |
Target Gene: | 3A |
Genbank Accession: | L24917 |
Cell Line: | HeLa |
Concentration: | 300 nM |
Transfection Method: | Oligofectamine |
Incubation Time (Hours): | 72 |
siRNA Expression Method: | Chemically Synthesized |
siRNA design algorithm used: | Dhamacon |
PubMed: | 14670593 |
Target Object (mRNA,Protein,etc): | Plaque Count |
Silencing Efficacy : | 80 |
Structure: | |
siRNA sequence matching with Human Rhinovirus reference genome: |