virsi2311 details

siRNA Id:virsi2311
Sense Sequence: uccgggaucaggcaagucugc
Length: 21
GC Content (%):62
Virus Name:Semliki Forest Virus
Family of Virus:Togaviridae
Virus Strain:SFV6
Target Gene:NSP
Genbank Accession: AJ251359
Cell Line: U4.4
Concentration: 10 nM
Transfection Method: Lipofectamine 2000
Incubation Time (Hours): 24
siRNA Expression Method: Ambion
Target Object (mRNA,Protein,etc): Protein
Silencing Efficacy :40
siRNA sequence matching with Semliki Forest Virus reference genome:
Protein1 % inhibition:39.5
Protein1 Detection Method:Luciferase Assay



