Predicted Off-targets for siRNA "cgcuagcacucugguauca" Using siRNA SpecificityServer

Specificity Server [Result page v1.0]

SpecificityServer - An siRNA design program for determining siRNA specificity

Automatic recommendation
OK - siRNA is specific for both sense and antisense (guide) strands

11 hits were found for CGCUAGCACUCUGGUAUCA (7 guide strand hits and 4 sense strand hits.)

Hits to Guide strand

AccessionGeneStartEndDetails of mismatchesSpec.
MismatchesContiguousJackson style
Hits similar
HSP lengthGene Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
XM_001133760 ZNF519 6179 6197 aaCUAGCACUCUGuUAUCc62 4 11 c false   <90%   6497
NM_175728 IL5RA 1203 1221 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   1626
NM_175725 IL5RA 1271 1289 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   1694
NM_175727 IL5RA 1203 1221 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   1956
NM_175724 IL5RA 1271 1289 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   2024
NM_175726 IL5RA 1203 1221 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   2299
NM_000564 IL5RA 1271 1289 aGCaAGCACUCUGcUAUCA41 3 9 c false   <90%   2367

Hits to Sense strand

AccessionGeneStartEndDetails of mismatchesSpec.
MismatchesContiguousJackson style
Hits similar
HSP lengthGene Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
NM_181507 HPS5 293 311 UGAUACCAGAGUcCUAcaG63 3 12   false   <90%   4880
NM_024771 NAT11 989 1007 gGAgACCAGAGUGCUAGaa53 4 13 c false   <90%   3303
XR_015734 LOC728773 797 815 aGAUACCAGgGUGCUAaCG-8 3 8 c false   <90%   2033
XR_015420 LOC730694 797 815 aGAUACCAGgGUGCUAaCG-8 3 8 c false   <90%   2033

3 prime UTR Seed matches

Hits to same gene : 0
Hits to other genes : 0
View matched accessions

3 prime seed match details

AccessionGene nameHits to this gene

Immunostimulatory motif search results

UGUGU - Judge et al. Sequence-dependent stimulation of the mammalian innate immune response by synthetic siRNA. Nat Biotechnol. 2005 Apr;23(4):457-62. (PMID: 15778705)
No Immunostimulatory motif found (UGUGU).

GUCCUUCAA - Hornung et al. Sequence-specific potent induction of IFN-alpha by short interfering RNA in plasmacytoid dendritic cells through TLR7. Nat Med. 2005 Mar;11(3):263-70. Epub 2005 Feb 20. (PMID: 15723075)
No Immunostimulatory motif found (GUCCUUCAA).

Settings used for search

Scores were calculated using scoring scheme SS1
Using AVG scoring mode.

Hit scores

ParameterSpec. Score cut-offColourComment
Hit to same geneColourHits to the same accession or genes with 100 percent identity (i.e. likely transcript variants). It is advisable to always check the genes hit.
High scoring hit≥80ColourHits are very likely to cause an off-target effect
Medium scoring hit<80¸≥40ColourHits with a small chance of causing an off target effect.
Low scoring hitColourHits very unlikely to cause an off-target effect

The mismatches are colour coded based on the weighting of that position.

Wobble base pairs (G-U)Colour
Critical bases (none)Colour
0.6 bitsColour
0.4 bitsColour
0.2 bitsColour

About SpecificityServer

SpecificityServer is designed to help you identify potential non-specific matches to your siRNA. It incorporates the latest information about non-specific matches (sequence-specific only).

Designed by: Alistair Chalk, Quan Du, Zicai Liang and Erik L.L. Sonnhammer

For more details about the algorithm "siRNA specificity searching incorporating mismatch tolerance data" Bioinformatics (2008) 24 (10): 1316-1317