2748 | NLys-Nspe-Nspe-NLys-Nspe-Nspe-NLys-Nspe-Nspe | NLys(1/3) variants 1 | 9 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2749 | NLys-Nspe-Nspe-NLys-Nspe-Nspe-NLys-Nspe-Nspe-NLys-Nspe-Nspe | NLys(1/3) variants 2 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2750 | NLys-Npm-Npm-NLys-Npm-Npm-NLys-Npm-Npm-NLys-Npm-Npm | NLys(1/3) variants 3 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2751 | NLys-Nssb-Nssb-NLys-Nssb-Nssb-NLys-Nssb-Nssb-NLys-Nssb-Nssb | NLys(1/3) variants 4 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2752 | NLys-NLys-Nspe-NLys-NLys-Nspe-NLys-NLys-Nspe-NLys-NLys-Nspe | NLys(2/3) variants 1 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2753 | NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-Nspe-Nspe-Nspe-Nspe | NLys(2/3) variants 2 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2754 | NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLys-NLeu-NLeu-NLeu-NLeu-Nleu | NLys(2/3) variants 3 | 13 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2755 | Nbtg-Nspe-Nspe-Nbtg-Nspe-Nspe-Nbtg-Nspe-Nspe-Nbtg-Nspe-Nspe | Guanidylated variants | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2756 | Nbtg-Nbtg-Nspe-Nbtg-Nbtg-Nspe-Nbtg-Nbtg-Nspe-Nbtg-Nbtg-Nspe | Guanidylated variants | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic and amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | Peptoids (poly-N-substituted glycines) | Fluorophore [5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein (CF)] | 22828784 |
2765 | RRRRRRRRRR | R12-alexa | 10 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | NA | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa 568) | 23177198 |
2766 | YGRKKRRQRRR-acp-OH | Tat-OH | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Free | acp, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23085023 |
2767 | YGRKKRRQRRR-acp-ENAEYLR | Tat-ENAEYLR | 19 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Amidation | acp, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23085023 |
2768 | YGRKKRRQRRR-acp-QNAQYLR | Tat-QNAQYLR | 19 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Amidation | acp, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23085023 |
2769 | YGRKKRRQRRR-acp-DYQQD | Tat-DYQQD | 17 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Amidation | acp, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23085023 |
2770 | YGRKKRRQRRR-acp-NYQQN | Tat-NYQQN | 17 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Amidation | acp, Epsilon-aminocaproic acid | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23085023 |
2783 | RRWWRRWRR | RW-9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | NA | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa 488) | 23524021 |
2784 | RRLLRRLRR | RL-9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | NA | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa 488) | 23524021 |
2790 | GLKKLAELFHKLLKLG | TAMARA-peptide 1 | 16 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with TAMRA | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMARA) | 23545289 |
2791 | LKKLAELAHKLLKLG | TAMARA-peptide 2 | 15 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with TAMRA | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMARA) | 23545289 |
2796 | B-RRRRRRR | R7 | 8 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | NA | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2797 | Lauroyl-B-RRRRRRRRR | C12R9 | 10 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Lauroylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2798 | Lauroyl-B-rrrrrrr | C12dR9 | 8 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Lauroylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2799 | Lauroyl-B-rrrrr-RRRR | C12dR9-1 | 10 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Lauroylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2800 | Lauroyl-B-RRRR-rrrrr | C12dR9-2 | 10 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Lauroylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2801 | Myristoyl-B-RRRRRRRRRRR | C14R11 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Myrsitoylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2802 | Myristoyl-B-rrrrrrrrrrr | C14dR11 | 12 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Myrsitoylation | Amidation | B, Beta-Alanine | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23546678 |
2803 | CGNKRTR | tLyp-1 | 7 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | NA | NA | NA | Nanoparticle, and Fluorophore (Couramin-6) | 23639530 |
2804 | AYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL | TP10 | 20 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore [5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] | 23669260 |
2805 | A-CF3-Bpg-LYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL | TP10 2GL | 21 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | L-CF3-Bpg, Trifluoromethyl- bicyclopent-[1.1.1]-1-ylglycine | Fluorophore [5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] | 23669260 |
2806 | AGY-CF3-Bpg-LGKINLKALAALAKKIL | TP10 4LL | 20 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | L-CF3-Bpg, Trifluoromethyl- bicyclopent-[1.1.1]-1-ylglycine | Fluorophore [5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] | 23669260 |
2807 | a-CF3-Bpg-lyllgkinlkalaalakkil | TP10 2GD | 21 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | L-CF3-Bpg, Trifluoromethyl- bicyclopent-[1.1.1]-1-ylglycine | Fluorophore [5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] | 23669260 |
2808 | agy-CF3-Bpg-lgkinlkalaalakkil | TP10 4LD | 20 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein | Amidation | L-CF3-Bpg, Trifluoromethyl- bicyclopent-[1.1.1]-1-ylglycine | Fluorophore [5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] | 23669260 |
2810 | YKQCHKKGGKKGSG | NrTP1 | 14 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2811 | YKQCHKKGG-Ahx-KKGSG | NrTP2 | 14 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2812 | ykqchkkGGkkGsG | NrTP5 | 14 | Mix | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2813 | YKQSHKKGGKKGSG | NrTP6 | 14 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2814 | YRQSHRRGGRRGSG | NrTP7 | 14 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2815 | WKQSHKKGGKKGSG | NrTP8 | 14 | L | Linear | Synthetic | NA | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2816 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Tat (48-60) | 13 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (Rhodamine B) | 23707662 |
2824 | TPWWRLWTKWHHKRRDLPRKPEGC | FITC-Rath | 24 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | NA | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23937069 |
2825 | TPWWRLWTKWHHKRRDLPRKPEGC | Rath-FITC | 24 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | NA | Free | NA | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23937069 |
2829 | YSSYSAPVSSSLSVRRSYSSSSGS | NFL-TBS.40-63 | 24 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Free | Biotinylation | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23603097 |
2830 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Tat.48-60 | 13 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Free | Biotinylation | Fluorophore (FITC) | 23603097 |
2831 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Penetratin | 16 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic and amphipathic | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2832 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Tat | 13 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2833 | CSIPPEVKFNKPFVYLI | C105Y | 17 | L | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2834 | INLKKLAKL(Aib)KKIL | Mitoparan (MitP) | 14 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2835 | inlkklakl(Aib)kkil | Inverso mitoparan (iMitP) | 14 | Modified | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2836 | inlkalaalakkil | Inverso mastoparan (iMP) | 14 | D | Linear | Protein derived | NA | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |
2837 | AGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL | Transportan 10 (TP10) | 21 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Free | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (TAMRA) | 23585561 |