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                Team Members of MycoTB

The main idea of developing this computer program comes from felexible system (SysBorg) designed under OSDD. We are thankful to OSDD and CMM017 members for their ideas in designing flexible system. Following are major contributors.

Mr. Gaurav Mittal, Project Assistant
Institute of Microbial Technology
Chandigarh, India
Contribution: He is main person behind the coding of MycoTB. All the program written by him including MySql interface and installation routines.

Dr G P S Raghava, Scientist & Head Bioinformatics Centre (IMTECH)
Institute of Microbial Technology
Chandigarh, India
Contribution: This program is written under guidance of Dr Raghava. He design concept and flowchart of this program.

Mr. Arun Sharma, Project Assistant
Institute of Microbial Technology
Chandigarh, India
Contribution: He helped in desining logics of this program and linkage in different tables. He also guide how to make effective MySQL interface. On each stage he checked functionallity of MycoTB and suggest modification in software.

Mr. Harinder Singh, PhD Student
Institute of Microbial Technology
Chandigarh, India
Contribution: He provde extensive help in designing software at different stage. He also created tables for tested and check whether software is running as per requirement of user.