A database of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins
Therapeutic Proteins
On therapeutic prespective, there is tremendous opportunity in terms of harnessing protein therapeutics to alleviate disease. Once a rarely used subset of medical treatments, protein therapeutics have increased dramatically in number and frequency of use since the introduction of the first recombinant protein therapeutic — human insulin — about 30 years ago.
The pharmaceutical industry is viewing therapeutic proteins with a renewed interest. On going research is investigating a myriad of therapeutic peptides to study and improve their availability and efficacy.
Searching Facilities: Searching modules allow users to retrieve data from database using various options that includes; i) searching on any field, ii) identical secondary structure, iii) composition/frequency of residues and iv) composition of secondary structure.
Group-wise Data Browsing: Modules under this section allow the users to retrieve data in classified manner. These modules allow users to browse peptide and protein therapeutics of different categories.
Similarity Search: It mainatins primary, secondary and tertiary structure of all peptides; peptide structures were either obtained from PDB or predicted using structure prediction methods (PepStrMod and I-TASSER). Web based tools integrated in THPdb allow users to perform similarity based search on sequence, structure or composition.
Mobile Compatible Website: THPdb is built on a responsive template, compatible for desktop, tablet and smart phone. These templates are dynamic that fit content based on screen size of device.