Training conducted by the Centre

The BIC at IMTECH has created an infrastructure for providing the facility to the users working in the field of biological sciences. The users of northern region are using facilities available at this BIC extensively. The following is the brief description of the services offered by this Centre to users. Visit our web site for detail (

  • E-mail Facility
  • Centre is providing E-mail facilities since 1990 . Our Email facility has been used expensively by users of northern region.

  • Internet Facility
  • BIC have two 24hr Internet connection. Users at IMTECH can access Internet from their desk.

  • Literature Patent Search
  • BIC is routinely providing literature search facility to the users. Earlier this facility was provided by Medline on NIC via NICNET connection and DIALOG databases via telephone line. Now these facilities are provided through Internet.

  • Training
  • BIC staff conducted number of training and seminar at Institute to educate the computer user so they can utilize the computer resources efficiently. BIC staff also delivered number of lectures on computer and Internet in various institutes/universities.

  • Projects/Thesis
  • Number of trainees has completed their projects which are required for partial fulfillment of their degree like Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Master of Technology (M.Tech), Master in Computer Applications (MCA) etc. BIC staff provides the guidance in completing their projects/thesis as well as the facilities. Even students are doing their Ph.D. in Bioinformatics at this Centre.

  • Sequence Searching/Analysis
  • This center assists the users in retrieving protein/nucleotide sequences from databases using Email or Internet. BIC staff also helps in analyzing these sequence to predict their structure and function.

  • Biocomputing
  • This Centre is actively involved in developing computer software in biosciences. BIC staff has developed the number of software to satisfy the user requirement.

  • Collaborative Research
  • BIC staff has solved number biological problems in collaboration with biologist.

  • Biocomputing
    1. Installing, implementing and maintaining software packages on computers.
    2. Preventive maintenance of computers.
  • Workshops
  • In order to educate the user from latest advances in field of computer and information technology. We conducted more than 10 workshop at national level. Following Workshop were conducted at this Centre In addition we also provides training to industry, private company or academic institutes on request. Recently we conducted:

    1. a two weeks training programme for a few personnel of Asia Privacy, South Korea.
    2. training for DOEACC persons of north reagons. In both programmee we taught bioinformatics as per requirement.

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