Genome annotation
We have initialy assembled and annotate Roche's 454 data assembly (i.e 79 large contigs of size 7.85-Mb) with the help of RNAmmer 1.2 and RAST (Published as Genome Draft).
We have again assembled and improve the quality of draft genome with Illumina GAIIX data and further annotate the genome by PGAAP pipeline and submitted to NCBI as accession number AJHK01000000.
To have adopted sevreal strategies to annotate the genome of Burkholderia sp. SJ98.
- Gene prediction and annotation by PGAAP pipeline.
- Mapping of genes to KEGG Pathways.
- Phylogenomics analysis.
- Whole genome comparison of Burkholderia sp. SJ98 with closely realted strains i.e. Burkholderia sp. YI23, Burkholderia sp.1001, Burkholderia sp. 1002 and Burkholderia sp. 1003.
- Identification of Biodegradation genes, Chemotaxis (Che) and Methyl accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs).
- Identification of Chemotaxis Gene clusters in all compared Burkholderia strains.
- Genome visualization by Mauve v2.3.1 and JBrowse.
- Multiple sequence alignment of Chemotaxis genes and MCPs.