SM3316 Chemically modified siRNA information

Field Sense Antisense
siRNA chemical modification Conjugation bulky group 0
siRNA modification types 1 0
Overall number of modifications 1 0
Position of modifications 40 0
Modification on sugar or base or phosphate Sugar 0
(Click to view structure & nomenclature)


siRNA length base-pair 40 0
siRNA name in paper SG144 0
Biological activity 90 percent target mRNA inhibition
Experiment used to check activity Luciferase activity (MicroLumat LB 96P)
Melting temperature (oC) NA
Target gene Luciferase gene
siRNA concentration 20 nM
Cell or Organism used HEK293 cells
Transfection method Lipofectamine 2000
Duration after transfection 48 Hours
Article title Effects of chemical modification on the potency, serum stability, and immunostimulatory properties of short shRNAs