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Rhodococcus triatomae BKS 15-14

We report the 5.8-Mb genome sequence of Rhodococcus triatomae BKS 15-14, isolated from ant hill soil sample, collected from BhitarKanika Mangrove Reserve Forest, Odissha, India. Draft genome of strain BKS 15-14 consists of 5,824,349 bp with a G+C content of 69% and 5,387 protein coding genes, 57 RNAs.

Genome sequencing

The genome of Rhodococcus triatomae strain BKS 15-14 was sequenced using the Illumina-HiSeq 1000 paired-end technology produced a total of 29,789,490 paired-end reads (insert size of 350bp) of 101 bp. A total of 28,013,328 high quality, vector filtered reads (~565.8 times coverage) were used for assembly with Velvet 1.2.08 (at hash length of 55).

Genome annotation

Genome annotation was done by RAST server and RNAmmer 1.2 .

Draft Genome Submission

This Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession number . The version available here is the first version, AODO01000000.

Data Download

For all data download please go to Data Download section.