1793 | AHALCPPERQIKIWFQNRRMKWKKEN | pAntpHD 40P2 | 26 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 8105471 |
1794 | AYALCLTERQIKIWFANRRMKWKKEN | pAntpHD 50A | 26 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 8105471 |
1795 | GGVCPKILKKCRRDSDCPGACICRGNGYCGSGSD | MCoTI-II(MCo) | 34 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1796 | GGVCPKILAACRRDSDCPGACICRGNGYCGSGSD | MCoKKAA double mutant | 34 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1797 | GGVCPAILKKCRRDSDCPGACICRGNGYCGSGSD | MCoK6A mutant | 34 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1798 | GGVCPKILAKCRRDSDCPGACICRGNGYCGSGSD | MCoK9A mutant | 34 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1799 | GGVCPKILKACRRDSDCPGACICRGNGYCGSGSD | MCoK10A mutant | 34 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1800 | GLPVCGETCVGGTCNTPGCKCSWPVCTRN | kT20K mutant | 29 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1801 | GLPVCGETCVGGTCNTPGCTCSWPKCTRN | kV25K mutant | 29 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1802 | GRCTKSIPPICFPD | SFTI-1 | 14 | L | Cyclic | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with Alexa-488 | Cyclization | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 21873420 |
1803 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Penetratin {pAntp-(43-58)} | 16 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1804 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKKTYADFIASGRTGRRNAI | pAntp–PKI | 33 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1805 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQ | Tat | 13 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1806 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQTYADFIASGRTGRRNAI | Tat-PKI | 30 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1807 | AGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKIL | Transportan | 21 | L | Linear | Chimeric | Amphipathic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1808 | AGYLLGKINLKALAALAKKILTYADFIASGRTGRRNAI | Transportan-PKI | 38 | L | Linear | Chimeric | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1809 | RRRRRRRRRRR | R11 | 11 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1810 | RRRRRRRRRRRTYADFIASGRTGRRNAI | R11-PKI | 28 | L | Linear | Chimeric | Unknown | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Free | NA | Fluorophore (rhodamine) | 15937518 |
1811 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1812 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1813 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1814 | rrrrrrrrr | r9 | 9 | D | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1815 | rrrrrrrrr | r9 | 9 | D | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1816 | rrrrrrrrr | r9 | 9 | D | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with rhodamine B | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1817 | rrrrrrrrrk | r9k | 10 | D | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Acetylation | Conjugation with fluorescein | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1818 | rRRRRRRRr | Chimeric r (1-9) | 9 | Mix | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1819 | rRrRrRrRr | Chimeric r (1,3,5,7,9) | 9 | Mix | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1820 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Penetratin {pAntp-(43-58)} | 16 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1821 | RQIKIWFQNRRMKWKK | Penetratin {pAntp-(43-58)} | 16 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1822 | rqikiwfqnrrmkwkk | Penetratin {pAntp-(43-58)} | 16 | D | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1823 | rqikiwfqnrrmkwkk | Penetratin {pAntp-(43-58)} | 16 | D | Linear | Protein derived | Amphipathic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1824 | KCFQWQRNMRKVRGPPVSCIKR | hLF(38-59) peptide | 22 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1825 | KCFQWQRNMRKVRGPPVSCIKR | hLF(38-59) peptide | 22 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1826 | kcfqwqrnmrkvrgppvscikr | hLF(38-59) peptide | 22 | D | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1827 | kcfqwqrnmrkvrgppvscikr | hLF(38-59) peptide | 22 | D | Linear | Protein derived | Unknown | Conjugation with fluorescein | Amidation | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21867915 |
1828 | KLALKLALKALKAALKLAGC | MAP | 20 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Amphipathic | Acetylation | Conjugation with fluorescein | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21875799 |
1829 | KLULKLULKULKAULKLUGC | MAP (Aib) | 20 | Modified | Linear | Synthetic | Amphipathic | Acetylation | Conjugation with fluorescein | Aib, α-amino isobutyric acid | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 21875799 |
1831 | GRKKRRQRRRPPQC | HIV-1 Tat (48-60) | 14 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1832 | TRQARRNRRRRWRERQRGC | HIV-1 Rev (34-50) | 19 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1833 | RRRRNRTRRNRRRVRGC | FHV coat (35-49) | 17 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1834 | KMTRAQRRAAARRNRWTARGC | BMV Gag (7-25) | 21 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1835 | TRRQRTRRARRNRGC | HTLV-II Rex (4-16) | 15 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1836 | RIKAERKRMRNRIAASKSRKRKLERIARGC | Human cJun (252-279) | 30 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1837 | KRRIRRERNKMAAAKSRNRRRELTDTGC | Human cFos (139-164) | 28 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Free | Conjugation with Alexa 488 at glycyl cysteine sequence | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa-488) | 19707187 |
1842 | GRKKRRQRRRPP | Tat (48-59) | 12 | L | Linear | Protein derived | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12411431 |
1843 | RRRRRRRRR | R9 | 9 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Conjugation with fluorescein | Free | NA | Fluorophore (fluorescein) | 12411431 |
1844 | RRRRRRRR | R8 | 8 | L | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Labelled at the C-terminal cysteine using Alexa Fl | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa FI) | 17217340 |
1845 | rrrrrrrr | r8 | 8 | D | Linear | Synthetic | Cationic | Free | Labelled at the C-terminal cysteine using Alexa Fl | NA | Fluorophore (Alexa FI) | 17217340 |